Making Good Use Of Your Time

I wanted to contribute a little in the area of being productive and using the time you have to keep things going for you. Now I am considered an independent artist by the name of vizualye and I have been working myself up to a consistent level to where my content of music is being provided. I make it so that I deliver something of interest or importance so that its useful to others. Whenever you are creating something or sharing information, try to keep your audience's needs in mind and why its worth sharing. If at any point you don't feel its beneficial to others then consider the purpose for sharing or creating it and make it known why you're doing so. The purpose for this is that by doing so you create something of value that people either become interested in or have a need for. You can apply this principle in all aspects of sharing information or creating content. In my own personal use, my music is what I value and I try to share it in ways that people not only enjoy but want to follow how my music is coming along and the things that revolve around it. Even though I don't have thousands of people involved with my my music, the ones that are have a genuine desire to become involved and grow with the music as it continues to develop. The important thing is that you develop yourself and your content carefully as your audience grows. You have a foundation with a cause and you share your ideas and allow your audience to feel apart of the things you're creating so they can be an active part of the process of your growth. People tend to feel more useful when they feel as if their involved or a part of something and capitalize on that feeling of worth. If you follow those simple guidelines you will definitely get more active responses but this all takes time for you and your audience to establish those guidelines. This is just some information that has helped in my case and some of the things I have been doing over the past few years. My advice to you is this, there is a wealth of information out there at your exposure and its up to you to educate yourself on the things you need to help you along your journey and to bring you closer to your goals. Remember what it is you're doing and why, establish a plan to execute, and continue to develop yourself as you go along. That is all I have to share right now but I encourage you to challenge yourself and feel inspired. As a good communicator I won't leave you without providing some information on me and my music that you can checkout and see whats going on with me and if I'm really the local hard working independent artist I claim or didn't claim to be.